Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Have you had something del.ci.ious today?

I want to introduce you to a new web tool I am using called del.icio.us (pronounced delicious). So far, I am a beginner at using this tool, and am only using it to hold my bookmarks, but I really love it. I promise you, if I can figure out how to use it, anyone can! I have installed del.icio.us on my computer here and at home, and it pops a nifty toolbar in my Explorer bar. Now, when I go to a site I want to visit again, I just click the TAG button. Del.icio.us can bring up my bookmarks no matter what computer I am on--here, school, the public library, Paris (I wish). I could also share my bookmarks with all users, or a group of users. To read more about it, check out this informative article at PBS' Learning Source. It goes into more detail on all the things you can do with your del.icio.us account!

1 comment:

kirk said...

Okay here I go again. I am going to try the delciious and let you know the truth. As you know I had trouble hooking up the DVD can't wait to try this.
Your special buddy,