Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Google for Educators! More great stuff!!

It's the little things that make librarians happy--just got a newsletter from Google and learned they are testing a free, yes I said free, webpage creator and host! Any of us can quickly and easily make our own webpages!!
Go to :
Also, check out the other tools, posters, handouts etc. at Google for Educators!
If you click on classroom activities, there is a page creator crib sheet, as well as crib sheets for Google Docs and Spreadsheets. And for English department folks, check out I haven't had time to play with this but it looks really interesting.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


If, like me, you purchased a new computer that only had a trial version of MSOffice, you may be looking for an affordable alternative. Try OpenOffice. To check out this product, go to It even has a product called Impress that is a presentation software solution. Remember, if you move documents back and forth from school to home you will have to be careful how you save your files to be able to convert them to the software we run at school! For links to other free, open source software programs, go to .

New books for students

Beth and I went on a Barnes and Noble run last week--then Jeanne and I took some students by there on Friday. As a result of our run, we added, or will soon add over 130 new books to the media center. Check our reading blog at (Knight-time reads!) for a complete list of titles. These books have been flying off of our shelves! As of yesterday morning, our library has circulated almost 13, 983 books or magazines since October 1, 2006. Today, we went over 14, 000! Not too shabby!